3 Things You Need To Do If A Group of People Harass You

3 Things You Need To Do If A Group of People Harass You

Harassment is referred to as any verbal or physical badgering based on race religion or sex.

Harassment situations have been common nowadays, especially in workplaces, such that they have been sidelined and are no longer deemed relevant.

It is only brought to our attention when famous people are caught harassing others.

Offensive jokes, name-calling, physical assaults, intermediation, insults, ridicule, threats, and inappropriate pictures are all considered to be acts of harassment.

Harassment can cause severe psychological turmoil which can be hard to treat. Hop on US-Reviews and see health insurance marketplace online reviews for insight on insurance covers that cover health issues concerning mental health.

Another form of harassment is sexual harassment which oftentimes includes uninvited conduct or comments, inappropriate behavior regarding sex, sexual orientation, or gender.

There is no ultimate way of dealing with harassment within workplaces or even on the Streets.

However, in this article, we are going to look at some of the ways you can deal with harassment effectively.

1. Trust your instincts.

When you come across a group of people who are harassing you either physically or verbally, the first thing you will need to do is get in sync with yourself.

By doing this, you will have the best judgment and you will know what to do.

You can either decide to stop and confront your harasser, wave and smile at them, ignore and walk away, or even run away immediately.

There is no correct or wrong way to respond to harassment on the spot. Situations can be different and how you respond will depend on your situation.

What is certain is that you will be capable of reducing the trauma associated with the harassment if you trusted your judgment and did what you did to respond to the harassment.

It is important to point out that doing nothing to respond to harassment is also okay.

You are the one that gets to decide what’s right and best for you at the moment and later on.

2. Report the harassment.

If you encounter any form of harassment from a group of people, be it physical or verbal, make sure you report the instance.

Harassment is a punishable offense and anyone partaking in it is susceptible to punishment according to the law.

If you are at work and you are harassed, your employer has a legal responsibility to investigate the incident and deal with it appropriately.

Reporting instances of harassment will allow the respective authorities to deal with the situation by addressing the abusers and putting an end to the malicious behavior.

3. Practice resilience.

No one deserves to be harassed. There is no instance where harassment is justified or is okay.

Equally, it is never your fault when you get harassed or are taken advantage of.

This said, to respond to a harassment occurrence, you need to be resilient and take good care of yourself and employ strategies that will strengthen your mental health.

Utter affirmations often to yourself and remind yourself that you are strong and no one or nothing can hold you down.

Share your story with people you trust and loved ones, this will allow you to share your burden instead of piling up emotions.

Have a trusted go-to person who you can trust with information and share with them whenever you experience a harassment encounter.

The idea here is to become resilient to harassment encounters by taking back the power from your harasser.

Remember, you can also go the extra mile and prevent this from happening again.

We need to change our culture and end the normalization of harassment in our society.


It is our obligation as a society to teach our children, peers, and networks the importance of respecting other people by deterring from any form of harassment.

Statistics have shown that 19% of workplace harassment are never officially reported and end up slipping through the cracks.

We should also be obliged to take steps in making sure that people in powerful positions or authority that harass others are aware of their actions.

However, it is not up to you to make them stop.

Let us keep the word going and share stories about our encounters to educate everyone on issues regarding harassment.

Support movements that work on informing people about this issue or take action against people harassing others.

In case you have experienced or experience harassment make sure you make good use of the information that we have discussed above.

About the Author: Bill K. Pasko