How to File a Workers Comp Claim in Jacksonville, FL

How to File a Workers Comp Claim in Jacksonville, FL

Workers’ compensation is a set of state laws that ensures an employee wounded on the job will be compensated for their medical costs. An employee can avoid suing their company to recoup their expenses with the aid of workers’ compensation.

Workers hurt on the job site are covered by worker’s compensation. Every firm is required by law in the majority of states to have some kind of workers’ compensation insurance to protect injured employees.

The next step you should take if you were hurt at work is to file a workers’ compensation claim. This guide can serve as a useful reference for instructions on filing for Florida workers’ compensation. We’ll also break down why hiring a Jacksonville workers’ comp lawyer is the right move.

Filing for Workers’ Compensation in Florida, Step by Step

  1. Inform your employer of your injury.

As soon as possible after your accident, notify your employer in writing or verbally. Find out whether your company has any unique reporting requirements or deadlines. When you become aware of a work-related injury in Florida, you have 30 days to report it.

  1. Go to the doctor as soon as you can.

As soon as possible following your accident, make an appointment with your doctor. To demonstrate that your employment accident was directly responsible for your injury, ask your doctor to provide whatever information they feel is appropriate.

  1. Get documents from the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider.

Your employer will provide you a copy of their First Report of Illness or Injury after receiving notification of your injury, which they also submit to their insurance provider. If you are qualified for benefits in the state of Florida, you will begin receiving reimbursement within 21 days of reporting your injury. You will get these reimbursement cheques every two weeks.

  1. Before submitting a workers’ compensation claim, take into account settling any disputes.

You should let your employer know if you don’t get a check or any other correspondence from the insurance provider for your employment. Try to settle the issue with your employer or their insurance provider first if you disagree with their benefits offer. Workers’ compensation claimants in Florida are required under good faith legislation to attempt to settle any disagreements with their employer. Before continuing with the procedure, this step is required.

  1. Submit a formal claim for workers’ compensation.

You must tell your employer that you intend to file for workers’ compensation thirty days after your accident or thirty days after your doctor diagnoses you with a work-related injury.

Do I Need a Jacksonville Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

In short– yes. A Jacksonville workers’ comp lawyer can break down what you need to do in more depth, help you determine fault, and handle interactions with the opposing insurance company. A lawyer can make a huge difference in the amount of compensation you receive in a workers’ comp case.

About the Author: Bill K. Pasko

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