How to Get Clients in a Law Firm

How to Get Clients in a Law Firm

Attracting and getting clients is a skill not taught in most law schools. However, it is one of the most common challenges law firms, and solo practitioners face, even in prosperous times. Most attorneys who have successfully attracted new clients use the same methods. And those who take advantage of effective marketing resources get more clients.

Fortunately, you can easily learn the best strategies for getting and retaining new clients. Whether you have a new or an established law firm, the following are strategies you can use to get clients:

1. Use SEO

SEO for legal services is the best way for law companies to get new clients and retain existing ones. It also comes in handy for everything you often do online, including acquiring clients as an attorney.

Through lawyer website SEO audit services, you can also make your company’s website be found online when potential clients search for keywords like the following:

  • How to get business lawyers
  • Business attorneys near me

2. Improve Your Online Presence

Articles aren’t the only resources people look for when they search on legal topics. Videos, too, have become convenient formats people often choose whenever they want to learn about things concerning them.

To make your law firm stand out, create explanatory videos which bring clarity to complicated legal procedures and topics. You can also create introductory videos that let potential clients know who you are.

If you have time, invite some of your colleagues to take part in discussing legal topics and create several podcasts that potential clients can appreciate. Plus, most search engines, including Google, favor video content over written content.

3. Consider Setting Goals and Working Backwards

You need to have an idea of what to achieve when creating a business plan for your law company. Now can be the best time to change a business plan into actionable tasks and achievable goals.

For instance, if you want to generate a particular amount of cash within one year, figure out how many clients you want for that period and start working backward.

You probably want 40 clients to succeed in their cases. If this is the case, you need to get around three clients monthly and then determine which actions to take to hit your goal.

4. Run Limited and Promotional Offers

One challenge you will face when running a law firm is getting potential clients to know more about your company and what you offer.

But one way to make potential clients know you is through running limited or promotional offers. As consumers, people can’t resist good offers. Hence, this is something, which can drive clients’ attention towards your law company. Some of the limited or promotional offers may include the following:

  • Fee discounts
  • Free consultation

The Takeaway!

The global pandemic, Covid-19, impacted almost all businesses, and the legal industry was no exception. Because of that, some law firms were forced to embrace online marketing in levels and ways they had never imagined, making competition stiffer. So for your company to thrive and get more clients, you must look for ways to stand out, like optimizing your website for search engines.

About the Author: Bill K. Pasko

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