Drug and Alcohol Abuse Support Options

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Support Options

If you or someone you love has struggled with drug or alcohol abuse, you know that the road to recovery can be quite challenging. The recovery process can take a big toll not only on the person involved but friends and family that are going through it with them can also have a difficult time.

Most importantly, not everyone will benefit from the same form of treatment, so finding the best option for you is important.

Inpatient Treatment & Rehabilitiation

When an individual is first seeking treatment to overcome substance abuse, one of the best options for a lot of individuals is an inpatient treatment facility. These facilities offer 24-hour support from detox specialties and doctors to help address any medical concerns during this initial treatment period.

In addition to the support of incredible staff, inpatient options also allow individuals to interact with others who are going through the same thing. Of course, the support of family and friends is important, but relating to others who understand what exactly you’re going through can make a big impact for some.

Online Courses

During the recovery process, you may find online drug abuse courses can be extremely helpful in building foundational knowledge to understanding the route of your abuse and how to help end the addiction. These programs not only help you during the initial recovery but also provide the support needed to help prepare for moving forward and staying clean.

Similar to inpatient programs, online courses most often offer a sense of community. These programs can also offer the flexibility of participating anywhere at any time to best meet the needs of the individual.


More often than not, substance abuse happens as a result of underlying mental health concerns or behavioral problems. Therapy can be used to address the triggers and put a plan into action for how to cope with those triggers.

There are two common therapies used to help address addiction recovery: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Both of these therapy approaches, along with many others, will focus on identifying the irrational thoughts and behaviors associated with past events. These irrational responses to the triggers can then be addressed and a plan put into place for better coping mechanisms.

No matter the severity of the substance abuse, accepting help is critical to successful treatment and recovery. While the process will look different for every individual, there are great foundational options to get you or your loved one on the right track for a healthy, lifelong recovery.

About the Author: Bill K. Pasko

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