Why hire a professional motorcycle accident lawyer?

Why hire a professional motorcycle accident lawyer?

Currently, a motorcycle accident is common, and it can be disturbing, destructive, and even fatal. Even if you suffer from a motorcycle accident, you need first to seek urgent medical care, even if you have minor injuries. Apart from that, you need to hire a licensed motorcycle accident attorney to help in easing the compensation process and reduce the emotional burden associated with accidents. This guide offers an insight into the common causes of motorcycle accidents and how a licensed attorney can help you.

Common causes of motorcycle accidents

Road hazards

Most motorcycle accidents involve several road hazards. Such a case can happen, especially when motorcyclists change lanes with uneven heights, hit potholes, travel on slick pavement, or collide with unexpected animals, people, or objects in the roadway.

Alcohol use and excessive speed

Research indicates that approximately 50 percent of motorcycle accidents result from overspeeding or alcohol use. Since a motorcycle offers limited protection to motorcyclists and passengers, their crashes result in fatal injuries or even death.

Head-on collision

Car accident crashes involving motorcycles are associated with almost half of the deaths reported globally by motorcycle riders. In such a case, car drivers might crash the motorcyclist from the front. Unfortunately, most head-on collisions involving a vehicle and a motorcycle lead to the rider’s death.

Poor road conditions

Not all motorcycle accidents happen due to the fault of the rider. Sometimes an accident can happen because of the wetness of the roads, which makes the tires not have proper traction. Even snowy and constructive roads can make motorcyclists vulnerable to accidents.

What to avoid after a motorcycle accident

In reality, there are some steps that accident victims can undertake in confusion after they suffer from an accident. You need to ensure that you analyze everything before taking any steps. Below are some of the things you should not engage in without the authorization of a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Do not allow anyone to record you

That is because some insurance firms might use audio or video recordings against you. It is your right to turn them off or contact a professional lawyer before you do that.

Do not sign any documents

Ensure you avoid signing any documents without the authorization of your attorney. Before your case worsens, you can contact a certified motorcycle accident attorney for help.

Benefits of hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer

Understands the time limit

Most personal injury cases are affected by the statute of limitations that states the period when a victim can take legal action against the negligent party. You might fail to meet the statute of limitations because you do not know the timeframe. Fortunately, a motorcycle accident lawyer understands the statute of limitations of the state and will ensure that they assist in filing your claim with the stipulated period.

Offer appropriate guidance

When you are filing for a motorcycle accident claim, there are particular steps that you need to undertake. In reality, you might not want to take the wrong steps that could compromise your compensation. Therefore, it is ideal to hire a professional attorney for your case because they can know the implications of every step using their expertise and knowledge. Notably, an attorney will provide you with appropriate support and advice to make correct decisions regarding your case. They can also discern when to end the case because further negotiations will not favor you.

Help in negotiating a fair settlement

Before you fire your motorcycle accident claim, you need to consider all the losses and expenses incurred. Some expenses might include motorcycle repair or replacement, income loss, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. If you do not hire an expert in such damages, it can be difficult to determine their appropriate value. You can even end up ignoring some compensable aspects. Fortunately, when you hire a licensed motorcycle accident lawyer, they will ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

About the Author: Bill K. Pasko

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